I’m thinking of detoxing from the Internet life including all these social network sites that do no good for me. Logging in to them only makes me feel that I waste my time with unnecessary posts and pictures that have nothing to do with my life.
Next week will be focused on me and try to get back to my own life with the things I’ve been wanting to do lately but have been distracted from. Since I recently got sick and stayed home for a whole week, my gym and fitness routine has gotten out of balance lately. Need to kick-start that again. After just two-three weeks of feeling weak and sick made me lose my motivation and my body feels all tired and unfit. Because of my low blood pressure I believe it’s feeling harder than it is, my energy levels have dropped to zero the last few weeks. Need to be up for fight again!
I went to look at a new apartment this Friday and it looked very promising with a nice balcony and washing machine included. The flat is smaller than my current flat but it’s more central so I can live with that. I would rather call it cosy than small. I really hope I will get it, because I want to have closer to work and downtown than I currently have and it suits me more in my current lifestyle. The flats are also newly built during the last year or so, which makes it very fresh.
I have never really understood the want to move out of the city to small suburbs and get away from everything, until now I guess. I suppose it’s more common for families with small kids and such, but I’m more of a city girl – at heart. I love being able to just go downtown in a few minutes and meet up with friends spontaneously or for people to be able to visit without travelling all over the city to get to my place. The inconvenience is what makes it off putting to go visit someone all the way on the other side of the city – I totally understand where they’re coming from if that’s their opinion. But after living a bit on the outskirts of the city I’ve come to understand the other point of view and I wouldn’t neglect someone just because they live a bit further away – as long as I have a bit of company on the way back or forth. Living in the outskirts has made me realise that it’s more suitable for older people or family oriented people – not for young adults in their best years. 🙂 Once I get home these days, I don’t find myself ever justifying to go out of the house the same day again – since it took so long to travel home – it’s just not worth it. Hopefully getting that flat would change things – for the better!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Peace and love,