This year has been amazing. Year 2012. The first complete year I have worked at HP – at my first real job. It’s been a great journey and experience so far and it will continue into 2013. I have travelled to some places in the world – as I try to do each year. This…
Tag: India
Sad reality
So much sadness overwhelms me when I close my eyes and think about poverty in the world. It’s so unfair, this world. What is karma, really? I can’t believe that everyone deserves what they’re given, if what is given is nothing. Nothing to work themselves up from. I’ve seen a lot while travelling, and it’s…
Taj Mahal, Agra
Beautiful Taj Mahal in India. Remains of a Love story. <3
A journey to open my eyes
I have returned back home from the trip to India. It has been a long journey both mentally and physically for me. I have a lot of things to reflect on after this journey so I can come to peace with my thoughts that were in chaos while I was there. It is very hard…
India – A whole different world
India is like a different world in itself. Everyone do as they please and create their own rules as they move along. Traffic can be chaotic but it looks as if they have it under control. I just look like a lost person trying to get across the street when I’ve been thinking the opposite….
Towards Jaipur by car
Sitting and listening to my ipod while everyone else are sleeping in the car. While we visited a fort on the way to Jaipur the guide told us that it was 48 degrees. I can’t believe how people can live in this type of sauna heat. While we travel by car sometimes I see beggars…