When you’ve stopped writing creatively and haven’t picked up the pen for a while, it can be daunting to start, the expectations creep up on you and you want to perfect a piece so badly. But it’s important in those moments to just stop and take a breath, not overthink your creative process too much even if it’s easier said than done. I have found that the easiest thing and the method that has worked more times than not, is to just sit down with either my laptop or a pen and paper and start writing words that come to me. The words are key words to what is coming through to me in the moment, those words usually spark some sort of thought where I spin off from. Sometimes the words can lead to a whole stanza and sometimes it’s just a row of words. That is fine. The main part is that you’re creating, you’re using your energy to put mind and thoughts into words. One day those words and creativity creates an outcome which is worth putting out there for others to read and be inspired by, other days it doesn’t feel entirely there yet. You just have to keep on doing it, keep showing up for yourself and keep creating and be in tune with inspiration. Because I don’t believe inspiration only strikes us at certain times and that we need to catch those few moments. I believe we can tap into and connect with our creative frequency more often if we try to show up and tap into that sphere of reality. It doesn’t feel like a part of reality when the words just flow out of you, it feels like some sort of force of energy trying to get the words out on paper. To convey a message. Perhaps a message we have long waited to hear. From the universe.